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Easter 2024 & Updates

Hello everyone!

Ready for an egg-ceptional adventure? We are happy to present you our Easter Update 2024.

The Lobby comes to life, a colourful spectacle of blooming flowers and the dazzling brilliance of Easter eggs hiding in the soft greenery.

The Easter Bunny busily rushes around to place each egg in its perfect hiding place, while the air is filled with the scent of spring and the anticipation of the great Easter celebration is palpable. On the brand new lobby where you can go in search of 100 golden Easter eggs! Once you found them all, simply use /easter to collect your rewards on our Realms or CityBuilds.

But that’s not all! Immerse yourself in our freshly designed mainworld, which invites you to celebrate Easter. Here you can take part in a special event and earn bunny coins. Mine gold, fight bunnies or rummage through chests in the Tropical or Amethyst Farmworld to get your hands on these valuable coins. Then you can exchange them for furniture, cosmetics and much more at the Event NPC in the mainworld!

And hold on to your hats, because the CityBuild spawns have also been given a new look that will surprise you.

But that’s not all – we’ve also added new items to the chest.

And that’s not all either! Now there’s also a brand new OnlyUp map for Easter! Dive into this special Easter Edition and experience unique challenges that will put your skills to the test. Also all old maps will be available from now on. Are you ready for the ultimate adventure?

We have also recently merged the Realm and CityBuild game mode in the lobby. So when you join, you can now choose whether you want to play on Realms or on CityBuilds.

The Premium Realms are now available! These will give you even more options on your realms, and your limits will be extended depending on which premium realm you choose.

And for those of you who like to win something, we’ve introduced a great prize draw system! Every day between 5 PM and 8 PM you have the chance to take part in three competitions to win a chest. Simply enter using the /g command as soon as the announcement appears in the chat. Three lucky winners will be drawn in each round!


See you soon for our next update!


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